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Do Not Lose Power!

Do Not Lose Power!

Recent storms have left many without power. Being without electrical power in this modern age forces us to retreat to some more primitive methods of living. Losing power can be more than just an inconvenience – it can be serious!

Losing spiritual power can be eternally tragic. What happens when you lose power – electrical or spiritual? First, you’re in the darkness. When a person obeys the gospel they are “delivered from the power of darkness,” and “translated into the kingdom of his dear Son” (Col. 1:13). To lose power is to return to that darkness of sin (Acts 26:18). Second, your activities are limited. If you lose spiritual power you are unfaithful and no longer active in the Lord’s business (1 Cor 15:58). One who loses spiritual power is not worshipping faithfully, serving fervently or growing firmly. Third, you’re cold, being without heat. When a Christian loses spiritual power his love and heart have grown cold. Don’t lose Power!