Welcome to the Augusta Road church of Christ



Meet the Leaders at Augusta Road

From treating others the way you wish to be treated, advising us to decrease in self where He can increase within us, to doing nothing out of selfishness or empty conceit, God provides an abundance of verses from His Word describing to us how leaders should guide. At Augusta Road, we are blessed with great leadership. Our elders shepherd us bringing us closer to God and each other while our hard working deacons utilize the talents given to them to ensure the congregation runs smoothly. Through these efforts, Augusta Road is continuing to spread the Gospel as God commands.


Michael Crisp


Michael and his wife Lisa have been worshipping at the Augusta Road congregation since 1998. They have two sons – one who worships at Augusta Road and another who currently lives and worships in Hendersonville, TN.

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Mack Stephens


Mack and his wife Vicki have been worshipping and working with the Augusta Road congregation since 1997. They have adult daughters whose families also worship at Augusta Road.

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Deacons likewise must be dignified, not double-tongued, not addicted to much wine, not greedy for dishonest gain. They must hold the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience.



Steve Regnaud


Ken Williams


Clint Richey

VBS and Cadets

Anthony Neglia

Missions / Outreach

Vernon Dunbar


Steve Edlin

Maintenance / Worship

Patrick Cox
